Hmm... Today, I woke up at 4.30am.. I thought I was late again for the class,, but when I saw the watch,, yeah,, I woke up far earlier than before..
Anyways.. today, I would like to talk about friendship or love,, actually this topic is from yesterday's topic in class,, where we have a presentation like seminar forum,,, so one of the group raised this topic.
According to what they've told us in class..that love is sensitive,,love means feelings that u feel for somebody,,love is someone who talk or share their secret or everything that sensitive about them to other people, love is when someone live with with the one who could long stayin till the end of to parents, to God, to husband, etc.
But friendship..has to be the most important than love,, because frienship could make us feel compfort with the one whom we talk to, friendship could help us to go through all the problems n solve together,, friendship is not prohibited, wether u r friend with a girl or a boy..friends are always be there whenever and wherever u r..
The other speakers said,, friendship and love according to Islamic point of view,,
it is not prohibited in islam to have the feelings on somebody, but then the reaction or the action that they do when they r in love, is prohibited in Islam,, as well as friendship, if we wanna have a frind go and find a really good friend that is according to what Islam told us to.
According to me,,we could love anybody,, but the love between parentrs, family, GOD, prophet and friends are different. Love has no end but don't fall into a wrong one,, do not fall in love with soeone that wont be your mahram,,coz it could be dangerous in the future,, but the first love we must give it to Allah and prophet Muhammad SAW. Then our parents and fmily and then our friends.
Friendship never ends. We could have friends as much as we want,,and also we could make them our links to everything we wanna do,, we could share stories, help each other and be there during the sad and happiness. Choosw your right friends, InsyaAllah you will feel better and helpful by their availablity in our life..
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