Thursday, March 24, 2011

22 march, Thai

22 march 2011

Today, I woke up late.. After subuh prayer, I do sleep again.. And then I woke up at 11 am.. Hahaha

Take bath, eat breakfast, ironing my clothes, then get ready to go out. We move from the house after zuhur prayer, then I, fifa and her brother starts our journey.. Hehheehe
At first, we go to patani city, it was faaaaarrr hahhaa I thought I'm already at patani, but that was a mistake... We went to the moque called ..... That mosque have history where in 2008 there was armies came there during jum'ah prayers, and they start shooting and killing each other, they also bomb the mosque.. The jama'ah in the mosque died. And it still on construction, but it's been a long time the mosque could not be fully repaired.

The story behind it, there was a two couple Chinese (non-muslim girl) and muslim boy both of them fall in love to each other.. But then both sides, the Muslims family as well as the Chinese family could not accept their relationship.. Then the chinese girl got angry and she makes an oath to the mosqe that there will be no one can fix it since that day untill now.. HEnce, the mosque still in construction condition, and not fix yet, because every time the people there wanted to repair, there will be something happen, such as raining, thunder, etc.

How to solve this problem..memang ternyata hukuman sumpah berlaku juga ya,,walaupun yang bikin sumpah orang cina sekalipun..and she's non-Muslim..but why did she do that to the mosque? her BF is Muslim..

Thai on 21 march 2011

21 march 2011

- shopping mall
- mákan di restoran sakinah ( lesehan)
- shalat zuhur Disana
- ke pasar kyk jatinegara, beli tas bwt mama
- shalat di masjid yala (ashar)
- mákan ayam kyk semur, ktm tmn2 fifa n mákan Dana
- shalat maghrib d emu tmnnya, minum the n disunity kacang Arab

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spend my 1 smester's holiday at thailand..

March, 20. 2011

On 19 march, aq sama arfeefa pergi ke Thailand dare bucket jalil. Kit a mulai branglat dari jam 11.30 pm. Selama di perjalanan kita cerita2 Dan yg paling banyak kita kerjain adalah.. Tidur!! Hahhaha

Trus kita sampe di border antara thailand sama Malaysia jam 5.30 am. Trus kita shalat subuh disitu.. Oia.. Lupa.. Pas di bis, kita terganggu dengan kehadiran 1 orang asing yg mukanya kayak orng India asli parah!! Kirain dia mau ngapain kita Gitu.. Tapi ternyata! Hahahhaa cuma lirik2 sana sini..

Trus kita sampe di kantor stasiun bisnya, pas lagi nunggu public transportation, banyak bencong parah bangeettttt asli mirip cewe. Mereka ber 3 yg satu pamer banget klo dia tuh fee utuh sejatiiii, yg satu lg bner2 cwe tapi keliatan banget jantannya, yg satu lagi bener2 cewe bngt! Aq aj kalaaahhh hahaha dia tinggi, langsing, kakainya cewe bngt,, apalagi dia pake high heels.. Pake kutek pulaaa hahha pokoke mantap, kirain orang thailand, ternyata dia orang malaysia,, hhahhaha kok mereka bias banget ya..?

Klo kata temenq orng thai, mereka kebanyakan ke Thailand karna mau operasi tubuh mereka Biar jadi Lebih perfect and cantttiiikkkk.. Trus katanya dsni Lebih murah biayanya.. Soalnya dsni governmentnya support orang2 kyk mereka.. Paarrraaaahhhh!

Abis dari situ, kita pergi ke stasiun yg Ada angkutan orang2 yg mau pergi ke daerah country side.. Akhirny kita sampe, trus naik mobil kyk kombi.. Harganya  10 bat. nah.. Pas masi nunggu penumpang penuh.. Itu masi sekitar jam 7.45 am.. Nah... Jam 8.00 am sharp ad lagu kebangsaan tiba2 semi berdiri Gitu.. Semuanya dari mulai yg kecil, yg gede..haha trus aq kira cuma musiknya ternyata mereka nyanyi juga sampe abis.. Bener2 tertib.. Semuanya Kompak, g ad yg males2an.. Ga kebayang klo di Indonesia mereka bisa begitu juga..a bis orang indonesia kan bandel2 hahahha

Trus kita sampe di tempat yg aq jg g tau itu daerah mana..trus tiba2 udah sampe aj di daerah apa Gitu... Yg aq tau cuma seven eleven aj.. Hahhaha aq liat ad 2 orang tentara, yg satu kayak patung.. Masalahnya dia berdiri didepan 7eleven, trus aq kira dia jag a disitu sambil berdiri dengan senjata Dan uniformnya disitu..yah kayak di kerajaan inggris aj,, sama tentara yg jaga didepan white house, rumah president..kan mereka kayak patung tuh... Hahhaha! Tadinya aq takut, kirain emang mereka jaga2 soalnya aq ad liat banyak tentara lengkap semi dengan senjata2nya, helm n kacamatanya.. Udah kayak siap tempur aj Gitu... Hhhahaha

Abis itu kita dijemput sama mama n adiknya FIFA.. 5 menit dari situ, kita pergi mákan di tempat mákan muslim. Makanannya mirip sama Nasir ayam di Malay.. Cum a bumbu sama salamis agar beda.. Trus tehnya juga beda sama teh Tarik.. Yg ini teh tahiland namanya..hehheehe 

A bis mákan, kita pergi beli buah di pasar buah..semi disitu Jual segala macam buah2an Dan mural pula...
Sebelahnya ad pasar ikan.. Bauuuu hhahhaha seperti biasa, namanya juga pasar becek.. Haha

Trus kita lanjut jalan.. Wah..pokoke perjalanan jauuuhhh ahhahaha.. Nah udah mau deket belokan daerah rumahnya fifa, kita masuk n belok di sekolahnya FIFA... Sekolahnya kyk MAN, kyk pesantren jg.. Gedeeee. Katanya, si rush juga sempet sekolah disitu..

Pas udah muter2 kita jalan lagi.. Eh di jalan ketemua makanan.. Ubi goreng sama pisang goreng.. Rasanya masi jaaaaauuuuhhh beda sama gorengan indonesia..hehehehe ga ad yg ngalahin dah pokoke... Kalo udah masalah masakan, makanan,, Indonesia juaranya.. Hahha

Dari situ..dimaulailah perjalanan menuju rumah FIFA... Ternyata itu rumah di daerah sawah sama tempat orang berkebun.. Ada kambing, Sapi, kebo, bebek, dll.. Pokoknya mirip banget sama daerah perdesaan di Medan jalan menuju rato prepat, sungai brombang, tanjung balai.. Dari Jakarta ke padang.. Kern deh pokoknya..

Nah,,, akhirnya sampe dirumah FIFA...pertama2 yg aq liat dirumahnya tuh ya.. KUCING! Hahha 3 kucing, Dan itu katanya velum semua..mereka dikasi mákan, dipelihara..disayang2.. Ternyata emang sekeluarga penyayang kucing.. Sampe2 katanya, ayahnya fifa sayang sama cuma 1 kucing kesayangannya.. Pas ayahnya fifa meninggal, seminggu kemudian, kucing kesayangannya pun meninggal juga..

Fifa punya banyak rumah.. Ad 4 di Kota, klo g salah 4 di country side.. Mungkin masi ad lagi,, rumah yg aq nginep skarang adalah rumah yg baru dibeli Dan baru jadi.. 
Mantap dah pokoknya.. Di daerah rumahnya, semi keluarga ibunya disitu.. Adiknya, ka2 cucu, spu2 dll. Sering main2 satu sama lain... Nah.. Pas aq mau mandi.. Aq disodorin sarung, ternyata itu sarung batik pekalongan.. Emang semua orang yg tinggal disitu pada Pake sarung semua... 

Funny dad n friend.. Hhaha

13 January 2011

     Today, I got an SMS from my dad.. He reply's fanny's yesterday's message.. "Ass. Emang fit sudah punya calon? Kata fanny fit Sudah mau berumah tangga. Apa ia, kalau benar fit cerita juga sam a buyabiar kit a bah as bersama bail Burgoyne, oce." hhahhaha I was laughing so loud.. And then I answered him that I was just kidding.. Not too serious for that.. Coz it was just kidding..then again he reply like this "kale fit Sudah merasa in gin berumah tangga juga nggak ap2 memang Sudah waktunya kok.. Kan bias sambil Julian n Bosnia juga.." 

Huahahhaha it was a reply from fanny's yesterday's message.. She says like this: 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jadi Stylish Jilabab sementara,, haha

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Ehem,,, Long time huh,, hehhe coz I've been too busy with all my works,, Now I'll try to spend my time to write something here,, hehe

Yesterday night,, finally I fulfilled K'hani's intention to learn how to make a stylish hijab,, hehe. Coz she have a lot of invitations,, for engagement, nikah,, reseption, etc.. finally hope she'll be the next,, haha! I forgot to take the pic of her with her new hijab style,, haha!

At first I dn't know what to teach her,, coz its a bit complicated one if she wanna make it on her own,, then finally I gave her suggessions,, just make simple one but beauty,,hehe,, then I showed her the simplest way,, some of the style I even dn't knw b4,,but then I create it yesterday, while teaching her,, hehe

YEah,, the combination of soft colors till the strong n dark one,, then u'll add accessories on it,, hehe we finally found it,,!! hahha!!

Hope she like it, and she can do it too by her self, no need to go to the saloon to settle it up,, haha!!!

Better come to my room and I'll teach you then pay me,, haha!! :p

Sunday, January 16, 2011

One night in resource room of management center

16 January 2011..

Yesterday I, sister hawwa and brother Hanafi were having a group discussion for Financial Management subject. Because we're having a presentation on Monday. Hence We've started doing it together and we're also making power point for it. After that, at 10.30 pm, sister haw starts to get worried,,coz she'll not get the bus if she goes back early.. Then finally she went back to her house,,then I and bro Hanafi left here among the groups..

Then the time shows 11:45 and then he told me to stay until we finish I was like a bit shocked,,because I was very tired and sleepy..he said that I'm a small technical engineering,,hahaha to fix the power point, and then i was waiting for Hanafi's problem solving..then

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire

Yeah I would have a show like Oprah
I would be the host of, everyday Christmas
Give Travie a wish list
I’d probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt
And adopt a bunch of babies that ain’t never had sh-t
Give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this
And last but not least grant somebody their last wish
Its been a couple months since I’ve single so
You can call me Travie Claus minus the Ho Ho
Get it, hehe, I’d probably visit where Katrina hit
And damn sure do a lot more than FEMA did
Yeah can’t forget about me stupid
Everywhere I go Imma have my own theme music

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire

I’ll be playing basketball with the President
Dunking on his delegates
Then I’ll compliment him on his political etiquette
Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it
But keep the fives, twentys (?) completely separate
And yeah I’ll be in a whole new tax bracket
We in recession but let me take a crack at it
I’ll probably take whatevers left and just split it up
So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was
Eating good sleeping soundly
I know we all have a similar dream
Go in your pocket pull out your wallet
And put it in the air and sing

I wanna be a billionaire so freaking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
I wanna be a billionaire so frickin bad!